The four (4) key objectives in this plan demonstrate our determination to rebuild the foundations of the Professional game and address key issues, such as:
Kenya Premier League
Strategic plan 2022 - 2027

Strategic Plan
2022 - 2027
1. Grass Roots
“The KPL will implement a robust grassroots football programme with qualifying primary/secondary schools to create positive and lasting sporting, health and education outcomes for children, teachers and the wider community.”
2. Football Business Academy
“The KPL will build an academy with educational resources to develop skills and capacity in those wanting to learn all the variables of running a Professional Football Club, League and National Association.”
3. Club Structures
“The KPL will guide Member Clubs on the best legal structure to ensure Member Clubs are operating within the best corporate governance practices. This will give Member Clubs the best opportunity to attract capital and strategic investors. The KPL will also work with Member Clubs, Local & National Government and Private Sector Investors to identify sites for new football facilities and Stadia. We want to get more teams operating outside of Nairobi county in order to promote football and youth empowerment in line with the 2010 Constitution.”
4. Multi-Sports Division
“The KPL will implement a new division that offers more opportunities for Member Clubs to build facilities for young people to play more professional sports, attract more fans, sponsors and generally build a wider sporting experience for all spectators and participants in Kenya. This is also in line with the 2010 Constitution.”
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Get in touch
Our goal is to take Kenya Premier League Member Clubs to a greater standard of professionalism, corporate governance and financial sustainability. Get in touch to learn more.